
Preparing for an IELTS test

Prepare for your IELTS test using the resources on this page and get a higher score!
Download my free preparation guide


1.See model answers for common topics
2.Review some of the recent questions  
3.Watch my speaking videos on youtube.
4.Learn idiomatic expressions.
5.Learn some topic specific vocabulary
6.Get your speaking assessed by an expert ex-examiner:
7.Get my IELTS speaking book to get my step-by-step advice about how to take all three parts of the speaking test.
8.Join my speaking course 


1. Learn skills
2.Read my eBook for a detailed guide to the test
3. Do ALL the Cambridge books of past test papers 7-17!
4. Learn from your mistakes! Make sure you check and figure out why any answers were wrong. Relisten to the recording to hear it or look at the transcripts at the back of the books.
5. If you cannot understand an answer then ask me! Go to the comments section at the bottom of this page and tell me the book, test number, question number and I will try to explain the answer to you.

Academic Reading Test eBook:General Reading Test eBook:Reading Skills and Practice tests
1. learn skills. Develop reading skills such as skimming (which parts you should strategically read) and scanning (best choices for searching for information)
2. Understand different question types, and how to answer them.
3. Read my eBook for a detailed guide to the test
4. Do ALL the Cambridge books of past test papers 7-17!
5. Learn from your mistakes! Make sure you check and figure out why any answers were wrong. Check the answers at the back of the books.
5. If you cannot understand an answer then ask me! Go to the comments section at the bottom of this page and tell me the book, test number, question number and I will try to explain the answer to you.

Essay writing

IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2: Academic and General Test

1. Learn how to analyse tasks to get the right task response
2. Learn how to plan your essays
3. Learn how to write the three types of essays that get asked
4. Read model answers to learn how to write your essays better
5. Build up topic specific language to boost your score for vocabulary
6. Get your tasks assessed by a tutor who has trained as an examiner to find your weaknesses
7. Download eBooks written by an author who has trained as an examiner
8. Join my writing course

Report writing: Task 1 Academic
IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2: Academic and General Test
1. Learn how to analyse and plan tasks to get the right task achievement
2. Learn how to write the different types of tasks that get asked
3. Learn how to combine data so that you can finish on time
4. Read model answers to learn how to write your reports better
5. Get your tasks assessed by a tutor who has trained as an examiner to find your weaknesses
6. Download eBooks written by an author who has trained as an examiner
7. Join my writing course

Letter writing: Task 1 General
IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2: Academic and General Test
1. Learn how to write the different types of letters that get asked
2. Read model answers to learn how to write your letters better
3. Build up topic specific language to boost your score for vocabulary
4. Get your tasks assessed by a tutor who has trained as an examiner to find your weaknesses
5. Download eBooks written by an author who has trained as an examiner
6. Join my writing course

2 thoughts on “Preparing for an IELTS test”

  1. Mike, these are so helpful! Thank u so much for putting all this together for us!!! I am Kuralai, from Kazakhstan. My time zone is Astana time. I am struggling with setting online meetings with u. I would like to get some help from you in September, can you please tell me, if you are available at 7 pm Astana time? about three times a week may b??? More details will follow, when you let me know your availability. I need both online 30 min face-to face conversations and also planning to send you 4 essays to check (may be several rounds…). If you have time, please respond to – kuraford@gmail.com so we can discuss in detail my needs in ur assistance. Thank you very much in advance and keep up this excellent job!

    • Hi, I am GMT +7 and you are 2 hours behind me. That time of day is fine for me. I will send you an email with more details. Regards, Mike


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