The following table of nouns is from my IELTS ebook for part two of the writing test. The ebook also include verbs and adjectives.
Some useful nouns
Word | Meaning |
a medium | medium is the singular form of media [plural]. |
censorship | when certain types of messages are blocked. For instance, the government often uses censorship for movies that are violent or have sexual content. |
credibility | refers to whether something is reliable or from a reliable source. |
exaggeration | when the truth is stretched or enlarged. |
ideology | a way of thinking or belief system. |
journalism | journalism is the way of reporting the news, by including newspapers, magazines, radio and television, the internet. |
journalist | a person who has a career in journalism. |
mass media | mass media refers collectively to all the forms of media we have such as television, radio, film, on-line services, magazines and newspapers. |
propaganda | propaganda occurs the media favours certain kinds of stories or distorts messages to influence the opinions of behaviour of people. |
social media | this usually refers to online tools for communication such as Facebook and Twitter. |