

writing correction service confirmation

writing correction service confirmation

Thanks for joining my writing correction service.
Please send your writing task to my email
You can choose your own questions, but I recommend downloading the eBooks of questions for you to send for correction along with model answers.

Task 1 Academic report questions and model answers
Task 1 Letter questions and model answers
Task 2 Essay questions and model answers

If you want to handwrite your answers, I suggest you can download the official paper for task 1 or task 2 and use it.

I track your purchase by email address, so if you are sending tasks from an email address that is different to the one you used for the payment please let me know that.

I can usually return tasks within 24 hours.

IELTS Writing Correction

ielts writing correction

110 thoughts on “writing correction service confirmation”

  1. Hello,

    I have paid the Writing correction service and sent my task to you. Please check it and let me know the feedback at earliest.


  2. Hello,

    I hope you’re well.

    I sent my task to you over email last night. Please check it and let me know the feedback at earliest.

    Warmest regards,

  3. Dear Mike,
    I have sent you some questions about your writing service, please check your inbox and reply.
    Thanks a lot.

  4. Hi Mike!

    I hope you are well. I sent you my essay for correction yesterday. In case you didn’t receive it, please, contact me via email. Looking forward for your reply.

    • Thanks Julia, I have got it. I will try to send it tonight, but if I cant I will do it first thing tomorrow morning.

  5. Dear Mike,

    May I ask you a question about the writing correction service please.
    According to your instruction in the very beginning of this page, learners who take the service should download “THE E-BOOKS” and choose one of the tasks.
    which eBooks do you mean?
    May it be “Task 2 Essay questions and model answers” which you attached its link?

    Thank you very much for your consideration.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards,

    • Hi, yes it is my suggestion to use one of those topics as you will then have a model answer to refer to.
      You can choose to do your own task if you want and you can type it in Word or handwrite it


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