Model answers for Cambridge IELTS Book 15 Task 1 Academic Reports. Written by Mike Wattie, IELTS examiner and author.
The chart below shows the results survey about people’s coffee and tea buying and drinking habits in five Australian cities.
The bar chart shows percentages from a study of residents who purchased coffee and tea, in five metropolitan areas of Australia, within the last four weeks. Overall, the highest percentages of purchasers were for coffee and tea bought in coffee stores, followed by instant coffee, and then fresh coffee.
Looking first at consumers of tea or coffee at cafes, the highest proportions were in Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart, which all recorded a little over 60%. This was followed by just over 55% in Brisbane, and then approximately 50% In Adelaide, which was the only city where this category was not the highest.
Turning to instant coffee, Brisbane and Hobart had the highest proportions at a little under 55% of residents. Adelaide was next with 50%, which accounted for their highest proportion for all types of purchases. Sydney and Melbourne had the lowest at a little over 45%, each.
Finally, the highest proportion of fresh coffee consumers were in Sydney and Melbourne, which were both approximately 43%. Hobart followed with about 40%, and Brisbane and Adelaide had the lowest at approximately 35%.
[181 words]
The graphs below show the number of tourists visiting a particular Caribbean island between 2010 and 2017.
The line graph shows visits to an island in the Caribbean, by holidaymakers, from 2010 to 2017. Overall the total visitors increased and this trend was mirrored by both the number of visitors staying on the island and on cruise liners.
Total visits started at 1 million in 2010, and then increased throughout the period, except for a brief plateau at about 2.7 million throughout 2015. A sharp increase in the final year saw visitors rise to 3.5 million.
Tourists staying on the island were about 750 thousand in 2010; then, during the next three years, this doubled. The number plateaued from 2013 to 2015 at 1.5 million, and then fluctuated at this level over the final two years.
Vacationers on cruise liners started the period at 250 thousand, after fluctuating for two years the number rose continually to reach approximately 1.3 million by 2015. Then, in 2015, the number surpassed those staying on the island and finished at 2 million by 2017.
[163 words]
The diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured.
The process diagram shows how packets of instant noodles are made. Overall, there are eight steps starting with flour being delivered and ending with noodles being put into packets. In addition, five ingredients are used in the cups of noodles.
The first six steps involve making the noodles out of flour, water, and oil. First flour is delivered by trucks and stored in silos. Then, the flour is put into a mixer along with water and cooking oil. Subsequently, the mixture is rolled into sheets of dough. After this, the dough is cut into strips, which are then formed into circular discs. Then, these discs are cooked in oil and then dried.
The final two steps involve packaging the noodles. In the first stage, the noodles are put into cups and vegetables and spices are added. Subsequently, labels are added to the cups and then they are sealed, which finishes the whole process.
[153 words]
The chart below shows what anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.
VERSION 1: shorter and combines more details and includes more highlighting
The pie chart shows the career paths of graduates with Anthropology degrees, and the table shows the salaries of anthropologists after five years of employment. Overall, most of the graduates found full-time employment and the highest proportion of the top-earning anthropologists worked for the government.
The pie-chart illustrates that a little over half of the graduates were in full-time employment, followed at quite a distance, by part-time employment at 15% and unemployment at 12%. Those in postgraduate studies or unknown occupations accounted for 8%, respectively. The fewest, at only 5%, each, were those doing both part-time work and postgraduate study.
The table reveals that graduates working in private businesses had the lowest salaries as almost half were earning salaries from $25-74,999, 25% received $75-99,999, and only 30% were being paid over $100,000. Both freelancers and government employees had 5% earning $25,000-49,999, 15% making $50,-74,999 and then the other 80% on salaries of $75,000 to over $100,000.
[153 words]
VERSION 2: includes more details but less highlighting
The pie chart shows the career paths of graduates with Anthropology degrees, and the table the salaries of anthropologists after five years of employment. Overall, most graduates found full-time employment and the highest proportion of top-earning anthropologists worked for the government.
The pie-chart illustrates that over half of the graduates were in full-time employment, followed by part-time employment at 15% and unemployment at 12%. Those in postgraduate studies or unknown occupations accounted for 8%, each. Only 5% were doing both part-time work and postgraduate study.
The table reveals that graduates working in private businesses had the lowest salaries as 10% earnt $25-49999, 25% made $50-74999, and 30% received over $100,000. Both freelancers and government employees had similar salaries, starting with 5% of each earning $25,000-49,999, and 15% making $50,-74,999. Salaries of $75,000-99,999 were given to 40% of freelancers and 30% of government workers. Then for wages over $100,000 government employees were 50% and freelancers lower at 40%.
[157 words]
See model answers for other parts of CAMBRIDGE 15 IELTS BOOK