
Recount IELTS Test

IELTS Test Remark Enquiries on Results (EOR)
If you didn’t quite get the score you need in your test it may be worth going for a recount. This is called an Enquiries on Results (EOR)
If you want a remark you have to be quick, you must apply 2 weeks after your test. It is hard to predict the results of the remark, but a 7.5 for speaking/writing could mean you got 8887 or 8s for three grading criteria and a 7 for one (there are no half marks for individual criteria). Sometimes the examiner is tossing up between a 7 or 8. Sometimes they make an error. It’s very difficult to get to an 8 and a remark is probably as good as a re-test. Remember with a retest you may get 8 for writing and then 7.5 for something else!

Chance of success?
It is difficult to say! You are more likely to have success with speaking and writing as these are assessed by an examiner (human), whereas listening and reading questions are either right or wrong.
I have had students increase their score by up to a whole band for both speaking and writing. An increase in score of half a band is fairly common.

Who does the remark?
The speaking and writing get remarked by a different examiner than the one who conducted your original test. Also, the marking will be conducted by an examiner trainer (person who trains examiners) or a senior examiner (an examiner with lots of experience). The listening and reading get checked by clerical staff.

The IELTS EOR procedure
1. You should contact the test centre where you took your exam and complete Enquiry on Results Form.
2. The above form must be received by the centre within 6 weeks of your test date
3. There is a fee of approximately 2/3rds of the cost of taking an exam. This fee is refunded if your score is changed.
4. It takes about two months to receive the results
I would like to also add that many of my students have gone for a recount and had success. It is particularly important to go for this if you need a high minimum score in each skill. Eight is hard to achieve and to get it in all four skills requires luck…and well, sometimes a recount.

Take another test!
While waiting for the results of your re-marking it probably makes sense to take another test. If you didn’t quite get the score you need it might be worth having an experienced teacher and ideally someone who has been an examiner to assess your writing and speaking skills.

13 thoughts on “Recount IELTS Test”

  1. Listening : 7.5
    Reading : 7
    Writing: 6.5
    Speaking : 7.5
    what should I do? go for an eor for the writing skill? I want a band 7, at least, in all.

    • Yeah go for a recount; unless you know you messed up in the test.
      I can’t give you a percentage, but a lot of my students have had success with recounts for writing or speaking.

  2. Hi, I received 9 in listening, 8 in reading 7 in writing and 6.5 in speaking …I am an English speaker and can speak well English if I go for reevaluating my test are there any chance of increase .5 band overall ..I scored 7 previously

    • I think you have n excellent chance and should go for it.
      I have never ever heard of scores going down so the only risk is the money for the recount.
      Note that you get a refund of the recount fee if your score goes up.

  3. Hi Mike,

    After 10 days of waitng my evaluation I receved my incresed score 0,5 in writting.

    It’s a game changer for me.

    I want to say a big thank you for your time, energy and resouces to helping people passed IELTS exam.

    • Wow, great news! I am constantly telling people to do this…if you are close to the score you need it is worth trying.

  4. IELTS EOR FOR WRITING for O.5 band score
    Exam Partner: BC
    LRWS: 8.5, 8.5, 6.5, 7
    Test Date: March 24, 2018
    EOR Requested: April 13 2018
    EOR Request Acknowledged by BC: April 16, 2018
    EOR Result except by 12 to 14 weeks

    • Hi if you are after 7 for writing I would say you have about a 5% chance of getting it. This is worth it.
      Please me know how it turns out.

      • Sure! Let u know once result is out. I appreciate all your revert with great suggestion and advice. U r really doing great job. Thanks a lot


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