

Essays common errors

Essays common errors

Learn from Others mistakes
I have corrected over 10,000 IELTS essays over the last 10 years. The following is a list of the main kind of errors I have discovered with students essays. You can use these to avoid making some of these common errors with IELTS essays.

Samples of IELTS writing tasks that I’ve corrected for students are included here to help your preparation. You can see the corrected version of each essay and also all the changes I have made. By reading the sample tasks you can get ideas about how to write tasks better. In addition, you can see some of the common errors that students make and understand how the band score is influenced by these mistakes.


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6 thoughts on “Essays common errors”

  1. You can clear all your doubts by following Pauline Cullen’s official site http://www.ieltsweekly.com/
    Open above site,scroll down,go to task response section and click on pink colored line which is essentially for teaching correct way to answer agree/disagree essay.
    Hope that helps.

  2. Dear,
    You are doing wonderful job by providing essay correction service.However,I found that your criteria of checking essays is little bit different than Pauline Cullen,who is former ‘Cambridge IELTS authentic exam’ writer.First,you mentioned to use outline sentence,second you stressed on idea of writing one sided opinion essay.These both strategies are highly discouraged by Pauline Cullen.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    • Hi, can you be more specific about what you are asking.
      1. Outline sentence? Do you mean that I advocate the last sentence of an introduction should outline what the essay is about?
      Yes, I believe this is essential to guide the reader as to what the essay is about.

      2. “one sided opinion essay” If you mean can an essay that asks for your opinion [to what extent do you agree?] be answered with “totally agree” the answer is again YES. It is your right to your opinion and so why not?

      3. What advice from Pauline Cullen where? Can you give me a link to a website or something?

    • Ok, I understand your question clearly now, and here is my response as an examiner for 10 years. Please note that different teachers have a range of opinions and it is up to you to decide who you want to follow. I have corrected over 10,000 tasks and my opinion is based on providing the least risky essay structure.

      It’s best to have a thesis statement
      This makes it clear what your opinion is before the examiner gets to the body of the essay. If there are problems with coherence in the body of the essay the examiner is more likely to be able to resolve them due to knowing your opinion.

      You can give a one sided opinion
      For an essay that asks “To what extent do YOU agree” you may choose to totally agree or totally disagree.
      Look, this question asks for YOUR opinion, so as long as you state that you totally agree/disagree you may only cover one side of the argument. It doesn’t make any sense that I can not have this opinion, and then if I do have this opinion it does not make any sense to give reasons for the other side of the argument.

      From: Lakhvir
      Sent: Monday, 14 August 2017 9:28 PM
      To: mikewattie@gmail.com
      Subject: [ieltsanswers] Comment: “Essays common errors”

      New comment on your post “Essays common errors”
      Author: Lakhvir (IP:,
      Email: lakhvir744@gmail.com
      You can clear all your doubts by following Pauline Cullen’s official site http://www.ieltsweekly.com/
      IELTS Weekly with Pauline Cullen | Ask a test writer …
      Each time I share my post about how to write a quick plan in your #IELTS writing, people say to me: ‘ But what about when it says …?” The main issues seems to …

      Open above site,scroll down,go to task response section and click on pink colored line which is essentially for teaching correct way to answer agree/disagree essay.
      Hope that helps.

      You can see all comments on this post here:

      Essays common errors – ieltsanswers
      Learn from Others mistakes I have corrected over 10,000 IELTS essays over the last 10 years. The following is a list of the main kind of errors I have discovered with students essays. You can use these to avoid making some of these common errors with IELTS essays. ielts-writing-common-mistakes-cohesion-coherence ielts-writing-common-mistakes-grammar ielts-writing-common-mistakes-vocabulary ielts-writing-common-mistakes-task-response Samples of IELTS writing… Read More

      Permalink: https://www.ieltsanswers.com/essays-common-errors/#comment-128

      Essays common errors – ieltsanswers
      Learn from Others mistakes I have corrected over 10,000 IELTS essays over the last 10 years. The following is a list of the main kind of errors I have discovered with students essays. You can use these to avoid making some of these common errors with IELTS essays. ielts-writing-common-mistakes-cohesion-coherence ielts-writing-common-mistakes-grammar ielts-writing-common-mistakes-vocabulary ielts-writing-common-mistakes-task-response Samples of IELTS writing… Read More

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