Pronunciation of ED
ED is added to the end of regular past tense verbs (e.g. needed, helped, played).
Pronunciation of the ED sometimes causes problems because it can be pronounced in three different ways: as / id /, as / t / or as / d /
To understand how to pronounce ED, you must know what voiced and voiceless consonants are:
Voiced Consonants
A voiced consonant means that it produces a vibration or humming sound in the throat. Say the letter and put your finger and notice the vibration in your throat.
Voiceless Consonants
With a voiceless consonant there is no vibration in your throat such as with the letter P. Saying P produces no vinration in the throat.
1. The /id/ sound: If the last letter of the verb is spelled with D or T, the ED is spoken with a separate syllable /id/ sound (it rhymes with did and kid).
2. The /t/ sound
If the last letter of the verb is voiceless, then the ED is pronounced as a T. Be careful not to create an extra syllable or “id” sound.
3.The /d/ sound
If the last letter of the words ends in a voiced sound, then the ED is pronounced like a D (without creating another syllable). Examples: stayed, closed, lived