

10 IELTS Speaking Tips

10 IELTS Speaking Tips

10 IELTS Speaking Tips

  1. Do not speak too fast thinking that is fluency. Actually, you may be lowering your score because the examiner did not catch what you said or what you are saying may not be coherent.
  2. If you do not understand the question make sure you get the examiner to repeat it in part 1 or rephrase it in part 3.
  3. Lying or making things up is a good idea if it makes it easier to answer the question or use high-level vocabulary.
  4. Use stress and intonation when speaking, don’t speak like a machine.
  5. Look at the examiner, smile and remember to use hand gestures.
  6. Remember you need to be confident and positive. So make sure you speak up so the examiner can hear you.
  7. If you cannot remember a word just paraphrase (say it another way)
  8. Avoid silence by thinking out loud or repeating the question “how to solve global warming…that is a tricky question”
  9. Try to use high-level vocabulary and grammar to score higher in these areas
  10. Find out your speaking level or do a mock test to improve your level.


2 thoughts on “10 IELTS Speaking Tips”

  1. Nice tips. I’ll liketo benefit from your lectures and eBooks.

    • Thank you for your kind words and please let me know if I can help you.


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