

Future Task IELTS Academic writing

Future Task IELTS Academic writing

IELTS future task

This blog teaches you how to plan and write an IELTS academic test report for part 1 of the IELTS test.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The graph below gives information from a report in 2010 about the use of energy in Australia since 1980 with projections until 2030.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

 future ielts task 1 academic

Note: about this task
The report is produced in 2010 so we can establish that all data before this point has actually occurred and everything after this date is a projection.

Model answer with the future predictions underlined
he line graph shows five different sources of energy consumption in Australia from 1980 to 2030.  Overall, it can be seen that there is an upward trend for all types of energy during the period from 1980 to 2010, and this trend is predicted to continue to 2030.                                            

The main source of energy was oil. In 1980, approximately 35 billion units of oil were used, and the consumption experienced a steady growth to about 45 billion units by 2010. The usage is projected to continue to rise and hit 50 billion by 2030. 

The next highest sources of energy were natural gas and coal with 20 billion units and approximately 16 billion units, respectively, in 1980. The usage of coal and gas were the same by 2010, with each accounting for about 25 billion units. They are both expected to consistently climb and end at roughly 35 billion and 28 billion units, respectively. 

The minor energy sources were nuclear and solar energy, which both started at below 5 billion units in 1980, and increased to roughly 8 billion and 6 billion units, respectively, by 2010.They are expected to reach about 10 billion and 8 billion units, respectively, in 2030. 

[199 words]

Steps to complete the model task
  1. Read and underline key vocabulary in the question and write words with the same or related meaning.
  1. Check whether the data is about percentages or numbers.

It’s about numbers, and note that the units are in billions.   

  1. Brainstorm key points for the answer (there should be about 10 key points that should be mentioned for each task)

future plan ielts academic report task 1

1 = start number for oil
2= end number for oil, before the forecast
3= forecasted end number for oil
4 =start number for coal and natural gas
5= end number for coal and natural gas, before the forecast
6= forecasted end number for coal and natural gas
7 =start number for nuclear and solar energy
8= end number for nuclear and solar energy, before the forecast
9= forecasted end number for nuclear and solar energy

  1. Work out the overall summary.

Overall, usage of all types of energy increased from 1980 to 2010, and it is predicted to continue increasing up to 2030.

  1. Plan the structure of answer. Work out how the data can be grouped into paragraphs.

Generally speaking it is easier to organise data by the fewest types of categories; so in this case, it makes sense to group data by energy type and not by time periods. The structure is as follows:

introduction = rephrase the task introduction + overall summary
highest sources of energy [oil, coal and natural gas]
lowest sources of energy [nuclear and solar energy]

  1. Write the task. The model answer is written above.
  1. Proofread the task


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